Potteries Visited By Members Of The Anglo-American Productivity Council (1948)

Longton and Hanley, Staffordshire. Various shots of the pottery works with chimneys smoking. Several shots of the American members of the Anglo-American Productivity Council arriving at pottery work in Longton, Staffordshire. MS. Americans welcomed by pottery executives. LS. GV. Workshop. MS. One of the ovens. MS. & CU. Americans and two other men looking at cups taken out of the oven. CU. Mr Thomas H. Joyce, one of the Americans, watching. CU. Mr T. J. Harkins watching. CU. Mr Joyce examining cup. CU. Cups. CU. American watching potter moulding clay. CU. Potter at work moulding clay on spindle. MS. & CU. Americans watching girls spraying soap dishes. MS. Americans viewing finished products. CU. Head of girl worker. CU. Bedding saucers in powder prior to firing. Several shots of finished plates after decoration. CU. Girl painting plates and cups. MS. The Americans leaving the pottery works. MS. Americans chatting to officials after visit. (Mute Neg.) Information found in the old record - Cuts 48/91
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