Zeami feat. Tenshi - Tenyou no Mai [Yuki’s Extra] +HDDT % FC #1
didnt excepted to fc it first try, apparently i forgot my mindblock on this map lol. also i got some other good scores that by the way gave me pp!!1 but personally i think this one is cooler, always wanted an fc on this map (and yeah, thats first dt(hd) fc on it)
DT/HDDT leaderboard:
beatmap: #osu/434118
1 year ago 00:02:51 2
Khongoroo ft Guaa - Memories (Official Music Video)
3 years ago 00:01:22 194
Zeami feat. Tenshi - Tenyou no Mai [Yuki’s Extra] +HDDT % FC #1
5 years ago 00:01:32 273
Red_Pixel | Zeami feat. Ayane - Senpuu no Mai (CS ver.) [Niber’s Insane] +HDHRDT (%) FC 466pp
7 years ago 00:02:40 74
osu! | Dustice | Zeami feat. Ayane - Senpuu no Mai [Fly Senpuu] +DT % 1312/1323x 1❌ 633pp #11
7 years ago 00:02:36 3
osu! | Dustice | Zeami feat. Ayane - Senpuu no Mai [Fly Senpuu] +DT % 1124/1323 5xMiss 525pp #2
8 years ago 00:02:36 8
Dustice | Zeami feat. Ayane - Senpuu no Mai [Fly Senpuu] +DT 614/1323 % 6xMiss
8 years ago 00:03:27 23
Cookiezi | Zeami feat. Ayane - Senpuu no Mai [Fly Senpuu] +HD,DT % #2 633pp 1293/1323x 3x miss
8 years ago 00:03:50 4
Rohulk | Zeami feat. Ayane - Senpuu no Mai [Fly Senpuu] +HD,HR | % 401pp #1
9 years ago 00:01:46 14
Zeami feat. Ayane - Senpuu no Mai (AC ver.) [osu!catch the beat]
10 years ago 00:01:33 118
Zeami feat. Ayane - Senpuu no Mai (CS ver.) [Niber’s Insane] CTB HD DT