DM DOKURO - bacteriophage

... whatever. my birthday, my channel, my rules. you already know how we do things around here. this track comes from an album that i am currently working on - i had thought about not really saying much of anything about it, as it was a sudden idea for an album at that time, and i go through those like paper (commitment issues), but after finishing a few tracks for it, i decided to make this a thing. then i realized that i practically ghosted all of you as a result of the work i’m putting into this thing. all of this said, i might as well give you at least one glimpse into the mayhem i’ve been focused on. i will warn you: i’ll be experimenting with all types of sounds for this album, so you can expect a lot of harsh noise and sensory overload as a result. this track is about science, i think. that, or the vicious cycle of abuse seen from the eyes of a simple organism attacking its host. i’ve seen many stories like this one, where it just... continues. doesn’t stop, or get rem
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