Pamukkale niversitesi ayyldzlar Southern Azerbaijan trk

filiz pamukkale üniversitesi türk efsanesi kötü ruhlarla mücadele ana When the Gajar State was officially collapsed in 1925, the rest 280 sq kms of the Southern Azerbaijan territory had been included in the Mamaleke Mahruseye Iran state in the manner of the deprivation of the minimal national- human rights and afterwards the “Keshvare Shahanshahiya Iran“ had been included into the Iran State. The people of the Southern Azerbaijan had 2 times rose to the massive struggle for the national freedom after 1925 and in spite of the freedom got every time for the duration of one year had eventually been defeated. The so-called territorial reform of the Tsar Russia had afterwards been realised by the regimes that had come to the leadership. After 1925 the Azerbaijani East was distributed into West Azerbaijan, Hamadan and the province of Zangan and the policy of escape of Tabriz, the historical capital city of Azerbaijan, from the artificial centre, had been put into practice. Afte
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