[Eng Sub] The Winner announcement for “Yours Is Mine” Cover Challenge from Wishgirls♡ [SA ITAINMENT]

The Winner announcement for “Yours Is Mine” Cover Challenge from Wishgirls♡ [SA ITAINMENT] 오늘은 YOURS IS MINE 커버 챌린지 우승팀을 발표하는 날입니다! 위시걸스가 직접 우승팀 발표와 축하의 메세지, 그리고 감사의 마음을 담아 또 다른 선물을 준비중이니, 계속해서 기대 해주세요^^ Congratulations to the winner and Thank you to every challenger! And We have another GOOD NEWS!♡ The minimum qualification of the “Yours is mine Vocal Challenge“ was 50 teams. Unfortunately only 36 applicants were submitted... BUT!! In appreciat
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