I got permission and consent to film these chimps at chimpeden rescue in South Africa and we were all amazed at the responses and emotions we all had to see this for the first time ever. This Would have never happened unless I got the help and the hook up from my friend Trisha who lives there and from Michael tellinger for performing at the Ubuntu festival and capturing live Jessica the hippo there. It was a D terra tones hand pan that I used live here.
This is video #2 of all I captured within a hour being there I feel totally blessed to share and to be there. Enjoy the magic and views. I’ll be capturing more animal responses as I travel the entire world to share. I Dave norwoods am the sole owner writer producer of this entire video. Nobody can sell or use my video without my permission. All rights are mine. Respect my wishes. Here is a song I composed and produced with my partner dov that is all about my experience with the chimps that day
I have lots of other videos with animals explori