Dave Nevling & The Blues Kats - High Price To Pay

Album: That Look Lyrics: “You know in time all things come to light but sometimes baby you know they come with a heavy price. Lord you know there ain’t no way. Loving you is a high price to pay. You said you wouldn’t leave me Why’m I sitting here alone You said you’d always need me. Girl, I’m gonna lay here & moan. Lord you know there ain’t no way. Loving you is a high price to pay. So long baby. I ain’t saying no more. You better pack your bags get on out that door. Lord you know there ain’t no way. Loving you is a high price to pay. Thanks to Lona Popoki for the lyrics. Nevling moved to Houston, Texas and played with various bands from the mid 70’s through the 80’s. In 1991 he got his first steady job as a musician with Gulf Coast guitar legend, Bert Wills, and played with Bert for almost two years. Soon after leaving Wills, Mark May, another Houston guitar legend, as
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