[2015] Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble - Pangapsumnida / 반갑슴니다 & My Country is The Best!

Ri Kyong Suk (45 years old) and another members of Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble performing “Glad to meet you“ (Kor. 반갑슴니다) and “My Country is The Best“ (Kor. 내 나라 제일로 좋아) Singers: Ri Kyong Suk (리경숙, 45 years old), Kim Kwang Suk (김광숙, 51 years old), Ri Pun Hui (리분희, 43 years old), Cho Gum Hwa (조금화, 45 years old), Kim Chong Nyeo (김정녀, 39 years old), Yoon Hye Young (윤혜영, 38 years old) and Jeon Hye Young (전헤영, 43 years old)
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