Deathrattle: KILL BOTH HEROS! | Hearth Tech#352

00:00 Intro Deathrattle: KILL BOTH HEROS! 00:13 Test1 If Fortune transforms in the Secret Passage, it will not return to the hand. 00:53 Test2 Pet Parrot checks the card’s current cost. 01:22 Test3 A damaged Murloc Growfin will still summon a Tinyfin with its original stats. 01:39 Test4 Copy a Dormant minion with Mirror Entity. It won’t trigger effects that should activate while it’s Dormant. 02:18 Test5 The Pirate summoned by Watercannon can still attack even if it’s Mortally Wounded. 02:34 Test6 When a minion is transformed into Service Ace, its effect can trigger immediately. 03:00 ...Test7 No matter what Nerubian Egg is transformed into, Terrible Chef will always destroy it. 03:31 Outro BGM: PROJECT: Ashe Twitter: #Hearthstone
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