“Gallop“ Fast Piano Music (EPIC) - 2014 version

My sheet music: My Spotify: Subscribe for more incredible piano music: A long time ago, a small boy escapes his tribe and encounters a wild horse. They explore the endless plains together, delighting in each other’s company. In a nearby village, a young girl wakes up every day to an oppressive life from her family. Every day she goes out into the wilderness to gather herbs, and it is then where she befriends the boy. One day, she is accused of witchcraft by the village and they decide to burn her at the stake. Just before she is led to the burning pyre, the boy appears with his majestic stallion and rescues her from her fate. They ride off into the sunset together, without fear, without shackles, and knowing they are free to live their lives. Follow me on Instagram: I’m on Spotify!
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