Italian Weather (1948)

Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. Italy, various. Italian voiceovered material. Pan along ship tied up offshore to small trawler. Close up shot of small trawler. Man in boat pulling himself ashore with rope. General view of wind swept sea front, many trees blown away. Long shot of a tree being blown by hurricane. General view of wind-swept and deserted town. Pan over swollen river to damaged house. Long shot of the people marooned on balcony of house, flood water under them. Close up shot of a man trying to clear drains as sewage water pours down. Close up shot of toad blocks forced up by water, pan to debris. General view of flooded orchard. Close up shot of chicken being rescued from mud. Long shot of woman carrying belongings, pan to salvage parties. People sweeping away mud and water out of house and down corrugated chute. Closer shot of man sweeping away mud, woman cleaning sewing machine. Man pushing out mud and water, pan to tub loaded with old bottles. Woman struggling t
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