Masonry: Beyond The Light - By William Schnoebelen AUDIOBOOK

FOREWORD This book has been a tremendous effort, and I would like to thank the many people who prayed for its completion. The Deceiver does not like books written on this difficult and controversial subject, and the spiritual warfare has been intense. I acknowledge humbly the prayer support of the people (too numerous to mention) behind this book, and pray it will bring glory and honor to the name of my “Worshipful Master,” Jesus Christ. Some extraordinary people were indispensable in putting this book together. I would especially like to thank my wife, Sharon, for her loving support and patience with her “writer husband,” as well as her thoughtful insights and immense help with the typing and editing. I would like to thank Ed Decker, who was both an important inspiration and a helpful editor and critic during the formative stages of this project. I need to also mention the helpful insights, wisdom and research assistance from Mick Oxley, Aron Rush and Jim Zilonka. The purpose of this book is to “speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15) that many might be brought from darkness into light! William J. Schnoebele
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