Hiranyagarbha lingam -This HEALING photo will cure illness and Create Miracles Wherever Kept
Hiranyagarbha Lingam
Sai Baba manifested the Golden Lingam during a discourse to college students at Whitefield, near Bangalore, South India. Many people have been healed by touching this photo to their bodies.
An Indian medical doctor, Dr. Doraisingham, from London, England, raised a child from the dead by holding the photo against his body.
Sai Baba says that wherever this photo is kept, there will be blessings, healings and miracles.
On May 5, 1991, Sathya Sai Baba materialized a golden egg that has several names and is rich with symbolism. Baba said that the Hiranyagarbha Lingham (Golden heart lingham) “contains the entire universe in a microscopic form. It is a manifestation of the Trinity: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva (God as Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer). It is also the Atmic consciousness (Holy Spirit)--like a thread running through a pearl necklace. It is also the spiritual heart.“ In the Spiritual Heritage Museum in Puttaparthi there is a quote by Baba referring to the lingham (lingham in general) as the Cosmic Seed of Creation.“
After Sai Baba had manifested it, he said that it is a great blessing for anyone to receive this photo and that it should be kept in every home. His energy will work miracles through it. This is the first time that anyone has ever heard Baba say this about a photo.
Dr. M. Doraisingham, whom I had never met, who sent the photo to me from England, sent the following story in a four and a half page letter. Baba had just materialized the Golden Lingham while standing on the auditorium stage at the Trayee Brindavan Summer Course assembly. Baba asked Professor Sampath to hold the Iingham awhile so that he could watch the student cultural program. Professor Sampath is Vice Chancellor of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Puttaparthi, South India; he was thrilled beyond words. During the hour that Professor Sampath kept the Iingham he became warm and said that he was in a“ state of divine ecstasy.“
After the conclusion of the cultural program, Swami played a little joke on Professor Sampath. He touched the professor’s pocket as if to brush oft some dust. Later, as they were riding in the car together, Baba asked Professor Sampath for the Golden Lingham. In his excitement to return the lingham, Professor Sampath searched everywhere his shirt pocket, trouser pockets, the car seat. But he could not find it. Finally, Baba gave ajoyful laugh and said that He had sent the Golden Lingham back where it had come from.
Dr. Doraisingham goes on to say “Swami says that He created the Universe at His own will and pleasure with the word AUM. Here again He proves this fact by creation of this microcosmic universe, with the wave of His hands in a few seconds, by His supreme will. This is the incredible power of our supreme Lord Sai, whose glory we cannot fathom. But we are able to have a small glimpse of it by the example of this event--the Grand Miracle. All glory to our beloved Lord Sai who is our dearest divine Mother and Father.“
Dr. Doraisingham also said that on June 7, 1991, while walking to darshan to see Baba, he came upon a dead child beside the roadside, held by his mother. The doctor had just been given the Golden Lingham photo and held it against the child, who had just fallen out of an overcrowded van onto the road and been killed. He chanted “Om Sai Ram“ many times while praying to Baba and massaged the boy’s chest and abdomen. The dead child was restored to life with the energy of Sai moving through the photo and the next day, in an interview with a friend of Dr. Doraisingham, Baba confirmed the entire incident. Baba impressed the doctor to stop, to heal the child using the photo, and later said to professor Anil Kumar “The child was dead at that point in time.“
In January of 1994 when this author (Connie Shaw) gave a talk in Houston, Texas, USA, on the lingham photo, several people were healed on the spot simply by touching it to the afflicted area. For example, a few people who had experienced headaches that very moment were relieved of pain. One man was in pain from kidney stones; he placed the photo against his lower back in the kidney area and the sharp, stabbing pains vanished.
From: Connie Shaw’s Book: “Mary’s Miracles and Prophecies“
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Hiranyagarbha lingam -This HEALING photo will cure illness and Create Miracles Wherever Kept
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