Hervis Daubeny: The Lion of Feronia

Hervis Daubeny, one of the most iconic characters in the For Honor story. Though he only was seen in one chapter of the story mode, he has gone down as one of the most memorable characters. But who is he? When I first played the campaign, I thought he was just a cowardly warlord who had betrayed Apollyon and got shamed for his cowardice. But the more I dove into the more I pushed and began to realize there was more to Daubeny than maybe even he thought. It would be the greatest of all ironies if Daubeny, being aware of his own shortcomings, allowed this to blind him to his own selfless attributes. He is not the Cowardly Lion in search of courage. He is a Regal King of Beasts who had forgotten his honor. Now he has it Chimera is far better for it. In this video, I discuss the history of Daubeny and I explain how Daubeny evolved from the Blackstone defector to the Sponsor of the Chimera Alliance. A HUGE thank you to @VITANEON for reaching out to me. Literally I got a
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