Sorrowscape - A Slithering Black Compilation (3 hrs of Visceral Dark Ambient)

Drawing inspiration from the darkest recesses of human experience, Sorrowscape serves as a cathartic release, allowing listeners to confront their own fears and sorrows. It beckons you to venture into the abyss, embracing the beauty that lies within the somber and the macabre. All Things Dead : insectarium : Nothingness : Mike Benoit : Omensworn : Knull : Depression Embrace : Scott Lawlor : The Harrowing : album soon to be released on SBR Handalien : Humanfobia - IO - Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse : Aetherkinesis : Shadow Monument : Е​г​з​о​р​ц​и​з​а​м : Death on Cassette : credits released June 16, 2023
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