Anton Arensky - Valse (4 hands), from 6 Pièces enfantines,
Published in 1894. I just played both hands and aligned them slightly. Luckily one can see both hands at the same time, it also helps a lot while playing.4 hands performances actually bring many more difficulties than simply to be forced to play simultaneously. I noticed that the left hand is always too loud, although, played separately, it sounds fine. Then I remembered that when I played 4 hands in real life, without thinking too much about it, one automatically reduced the volume of the accompaniment a lot if the right hand has some melody going on. In extreme cases we just hinted at the underlying chords to give some sort of subtle fundament. For example, a midi file would sound especially horrible for pieces like this. These 4 hands pieces have a lot of “swing“ and swelling up and down. I didn’t quite manage to play it like a real performance, but it’s a nice waltz which I didn’t know before and you might enjoy it as well. it sort of fits to Christmas as well.
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