【经典复刻】价值10w+的昌迪加尔椅是如何制作的? How to Make a 100,000 RMB Plus Chandigarh Chair

有这样一把椅子,它曾经是垃圾堆里的遗骸,却华丽变身为收藏家们疯抢的宝贝,一度身价飙升到十几万。如今,又成为2020年最火爆的一款椅子,它就是昌迪加尔椅——PJ椅 [Classic Replicating] How to Make a 100,000 RMB Plus Chandigarh Chair There is a chair, which was once a remains in the garbage dump, but now it turned into a treasure that collectors rushed to purchase it insanely. Its value soared over hundreds of thousands at one time. Moreover, it became the hottest chair in 2020. It is the Pierre Jeanneret’s Chandigarh Chair, the PJ Chair. 1947年英属印ò
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