Petey Wheatstraw - My my my my my, what an ass.

- Thank you. - My my my my my, what an ass. - I’ve always liked women with big asses. - Some asses for need, but this ass is for please. - I see we have another comedian in the house! - You still got a lot of ass, mama. - I say one thing, if this place would - catch on fire, they’d tell everybody to haul ass, - you would have to make 10 trips. - Hey man, you can’t talk to my woman like that. - Shut up! - Shut your ugly, old time, ancient ass up! - If you say one more word to me, - I’ll have that lady take one of her - titties and beat the shit out of you. - And I ain’t lying either! - Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much. - I am what I am and I’m gonna be - the very best of what I am. - And for those who don’t like me confidentially, - I don’t give a damn.
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