Baryton Trio Valkkoog - Adagio cantabile - Haydn “Birthday“ Trio (Nr. 97)

Jacek Kurzydlo - viola; Paulina Ptak- ’cello; Jan Extra - baryton. We play the 1st movement of a Divertimento in D major. Haydn composed this trio to celebrate the birthday of his employer, Prince Nikolaus Esterházy, who was a passionate baryton player. The prince commissioned 126 baryton trios from Haydn. Valkkoog is a small village in the Netherlands. Its population is approximately 150. Valkkoog is 15 km to the north of Alkmaar, and 60 km north of video was recorded in the village church (). Henk van Eldik (Videofilmclub Schagen) edited this video. Paulina and Jacek are students at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. They are not regular members of Baryton Trio Valkkoog, but they volunteered to participate in the making of the present videos. Their instruments are a baroque viola and a baroque violoncello.
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