Thank you for 12:12 min of your time. My “Love Mark“ Wedding Bands ► Today is a very special day for me. Five years ago I had the idea of ​​engraving the couples fingerprints inside their handmade wedding bands. I called them “Love Mark“ Wedding Bands. Today I´m going to create the 1000th pair and I cannot be more grateful to all the couples in love who have trusted in my hands to create something of such sentimental value. Love & Shine. Your Jeweler, Pablo. Thanks to: Vallorbe Swiss - 7:02 ► PepeTools - 130 mm Double Electric Flat & Wire Mill X-Drive - 1:34 ► Pepetools - Ring Shank Bending Tool - 4:02 ► Elma - Elmasonic Select (ultrasonic cleaner) - 10:57 ► Fotografiarte My camera ► My ma
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