1on1 Agility Reaction

This exercise focuses on develop agility, reaction ability, dribbling skills and functional technique. Players work in pairs, and they change their roles periodically. Distances and the size of the area have to be relevant to the players age and ability. Repetition: 4-6 Series: 2-4 This competitive 1on1 exercise has three variations. The first one is played without a ball, in the second variation the attacker works with a ball, and in the third variation the attacker looks to score. The defender is always without a ball. Players change their roles periodically. In the first variation players compete without a ball. The attacker starts the exercise by his movement. He can choose free the moment of his run through the big-cone gate. The defender looks to react as quickly as he can and moves forward through the big cones. The attacker can change the direction of his run only on his “half“. After running through the middle line he has to continue his run without any changes, and tries to reach the pole without the touch of the defender. The defender’s goal is to catch the attacker before he reaches the pole. In the 2nd variation of this exercise, attacker holds a ball and he looks to dribble with the ball with full intensity. Goals are the same. The attacker tries to reach one of the poles on the defender’s side. The defender looks to catch the attacker before reaching the pole. In the 3rd variation the attacker’s aim is to score into the small goals in front. The attacker is only allowed to score behind the pole. The defender’s goal is to block the shots or passes on goal.
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