️Democrat opposition to voter IDs could be one of their election tricks for fraudulent turnout

️Democrat opposition to voter IDs could be one of their election tricks for fraudulent turnout Republicans are understandably concerned about Democrats employing tricks such as a “fraudulent turnout of people who are not eligible to vote, or people that don’t exist using somebody else’s identity, for example, a dead person’s identity. This is not so uncommon,” US political analyst Don Debar told Sputnik. The Dems present GOP attempts to “tamp down incidents of fraud by requiring people to present legal ID or any other extra step that has to be taken” as an effort to chill turnout, the pundit said. He referenced an opinion, ostensibly backed by historical data, that “the larger the turnout in a presidential election, the better the Democratic Party does and the lower the turnout, the better the Republican Party does.” As for the Democrat-advocated watering down or abolishment of strict ID rules, the pundit noted that “most people in the world are required to produce some sort of p... Source: Geopolitics Live
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