1980-09-08 e2: all the fruits do not come up

...Even if I am away or anything, Sahaja Yoga exists everywhere. Within you it is working, without you it is working, everywhere it is working. So you see for yourself. To see it you have to go and see people and meet them and talk to them and find it out how it works. And develop that faith that gives you the sense of security. There are so many ways of cleansing yourself, which you know, you can find out. Meet each other. As many times as you can, call each other for tea, meet each other, go around England. I was thinking when I’m out it would be better that you go around to different centers, meet people, get organized, get more people. Tell them, talk to them about it and do something. But they judge you by your faith. And when you have found out the reality, the faith should be much greater than any of these fanatics have, any of these nonsensical people have. But for faith, you must have the quality. Only people of quality can have that kind of faith, not ordinary people. They’ll fall off. All the flowers do not get transformed into the fruit state. You are transformed into fruit state. But all the fruits do not come up to their maturity, because they lack faith, the strength. Gather up your strength. It’s all behind you, it’s within you, it’s around you. Everywhere there is light, within and without. Try to work it out properly. Do not condemn yourself or condemn others, but know that you are something, that you are standing on the Truth...
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