Irish Key Magic & Rituals for New Home - Folklore & Traditions Meet Modern Witchcraft - Lora O’Brien

Some of what’s covered in this video on Irish Witchcraft with Lora O’Brien: -- Keys for clarity - literally open doors (perception, Otherworld knowledge, healing, manifesting). -- Pimples were cured by pressing the hole of a key to it. -- “The unfailing cure for a bleeding nose is to get a key and put it down the persons back. The cold key will stop the bleeding.“ (that’s a quote, btw, not a guarantee of anything! -- Another old custom was to get the lead that came in tea chests and melt it, and then pour it through a key into a bowl of cold water. This key used be taken from the door of a widow’s house. Several things used form; such as soldiers, ships, guns, churches, etc which were supposed to foretell one’s career, and the pictures were taken as prophecy. -- New home magic - meditation while holding a cleansed, charged key... dowsing a map, sigil or ogham word inscribed onto it, put on a keyring or worn round the neck while house hunting, blessed and charged as a protective talisman in entry way of new ho
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