Елена Катульская - легенда Лакме (1912)

Great soprano of the Bolshoi Elena Katulskaya (1888-1966) as Lakme. Rec. 1912. See more recordings on her first recital: Великая русская певица Елена Клементьевна Катульская (1888-1966) в одной из лучших своих партий - Лакме (одноименная опера Л. Делиба). Запись сделана в 1912 г. в начале ее творческого пути. Первый сольный диск певицы выпущен студией “Аквариус“: Подробнее о Катульской: CRITIC REVIEWS: “This is an absolutely delightful recital to which I would give a very high transfers are excellent, with almost no surface latest recordings [of Katulskaya’s voice] date from about 1951 and, after a career of 44 years, her voice is in astonishingly good condition, with none of the expected frailty. She had a voice of exquisite quality, pure and
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