Relieve neck and shoulder pain.

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. 1. Relieve neck and shoulder pain. 2. Improve lung function. 3. Improve thoracic flexibility and relieve pain. 20 times one set, 3 sets a day This exercise mainly improves the flexibility of the chest (including the thoracic spine and sternum), allowing the chest to have better space to open and close. Stiffness and a narrow chest will limit the function of the lungs and heart, especially the inability of the lungs to expand, causing shallow breathing and insufficient oxygen. In addition, it will also affect the smoothness of the heart blood vessels and cause insufficient supply to the heart. If the thoracic spine and sternum are stiff, it will cause the neck and lumbar spine to overcompensate and cause strain. After practicing, you will feel your chest is relaxed and comfortable, and your breathing will be much easier. The body is an intelligent syst
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