Bookbinding Tips & Tricks - 14 Helpful Hints - Things I Wish I Knew When I Started

Hi everybody, welcome back to the bindery! I first began bookbinding in 2018 and in those early days I had more enthusiasm than knowledge and so of course I made a lot of mistakes. I’ve learned a lot since then, and though I still make mistakes, I tend not to make the same ones. This video is a collection of some of the techniques that I wish I’d known in my early days of this craft. Some are things I’ve learned from other bookbinders, others are just things I picked up through trial and error. This is in no way an exhaustive list (more like some random things I jotted down over the last few weeks), so perhaps this could be the first of many videos like this. The tips are arranged generally in the order in which they might come up in the process of making a book. I hope you find the video interesting and informative, and if you learn something new then I’m happy to have been of some help! Thanks for watching! Dennis ________ You can now buy me a coff
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