AIKI (joining energies) applications in aikido, by Stefan Stenudd, 7 dan Aikikai shihan

Here are aikido applications of the aiki principle (joining with the energy of the attacker). Joining instead of resisting is one of the core ideas of aikido. It shapes the techniques in so many ways. The aiki concept is an old one in the Japanese martial arts. It was a strategy used to ensure victory. But it is also a key to making the aikido techniques gentle to the point of becoming epiphanies also to the attacker. It is how aikido transforms into a peaceful martial art. On this video I show a number of different applications of the aiki principle. Each one is explained in text as well. They are really just facets of one and the same gem, which means they all apply to any aikido technique. Well, most of them. Some are alternate solutions, different ways of doing the same technique. I mainly show it rather slowly for clarity, but there are also some faster examples. Usually it’s gotai (from a static starting point). But there is also some jutai (moving as the attack approaches). Uke was Stephan Schröder: @stephanschroder7611 My aikido dojo is Enighet in Malmö, Sweden: For more about aikido, visit my website: My aikido books:
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