Enhancement / Warrior 2v2 0 to 2200 in one night.

Warcraftmovies link. Vote and give some feed back if you have time. So the other night me and Karil wanted to do some 2’s just for fun but no one had a trash team we could use. We made a new team and some scrub taladis in vent says “can you guys get 1800 with enhancement warrior?“ and we laughed and I started recording. All the games shown are against 2100 teams and 3 or 4 of them are over 2300. We know this isn’t a good comp but its a lot of fun to play and if you’re geared you can catch some 2500 rated teams off gaurd. We stopped at 2198 after 130 games 15 beers and 5 Excedrin. I’m not great with editing or effects and hopefully I got the rendering and encoding right. If it looks bad on here I’ll put a link to youtube where i know it looks pretty good. Not sure why I lose so much quality when I uploaded to WCM. Thanks for watching. Oh yeah I put two Beastcleave
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