Includes a patch intro using 4.2 trailer cinematcs.
This video only has 3 matches:
1. war priest hunter (vs bendeadly)
2. shaman dk feral
3. war mage pala (vs barburas)
Game versus barburas is very long. I made a small mix of dubstep over it, incase you get bored.
Audiomachine - Guardians At The Gate(Access Denied Dubstep edit)
Ring of Valor Nagrand:
Vortek-Walk With Me
Dubstep mix:
Subshock Sinister Souls - We Are Pain
Skrillex - Reptile (DREKKEN Remix)
Helicopter Showdown Boy Kid Cloud - Waiting
Omnitica - Dubwoofer Substep
Kidnap Ransom - Unreal
Foreign Beggars feat. Skrillex - Still Getting It (Original Mix)
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10 years ago 00:03:25 13
Diablous Enhancement shaman random games 26 (#2 Giveaway)