Moanhand - Present Serpent (Full Album 2021)

Present Serpent (2021) Moscow, Russia “Moanhand’s Present Serpent is a keeper, alive with poignant feeling, heart-rending affectation, and inspired heights of grandeur. For me, at least, it was a profoundly moving experience taken in from beginning to end (and in repeated listening sessions). It will go high on my Top 25 submissions to the Doom Charts council toward month’s end, and with any luck will hold steady in Doomed & Stoned’s HeavyBest of 2021.“ - DOOMED & STONED “Chugging, bottom-heavy riffs with gorgeous, synth-washed melodies and trading off his venomous, throat-ripping growls with hypnotic clean vocals.“ - DECIBEL “Blackened, Classic Doom. The project covers everything from Monolord-esque riffs to more Khemmis-style blackened doom. If you like them, you’ll like this.“ - METAL INJECTION “The heaviness and emotionality of Present Serpent is really far-reach
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