Koji (Animated Action Short Film)

“Koji has been entrusted an impossible task by his late Master. He is the last remaining hope of defeating an ancient evil and restoring balance to his world.“ Working in close collaboration over two years, Ammonite and Zean combined their knowledge of live action filmmaking techniques, fight choreography and outstanding animation design to create the fantasy action short film - “Koji“ Using a dynamic blend of unique faceted animation, detailed reference footage and transcendent audio composition, the exhilarating world of “Koji“ has been brought to life in exquisite detail. Written & Directed by: Robbie McFadzean Glen Johnston Produced by: Thomas Salgarella Laura Ferrari Technical Art: Arthur Shapiro 3D Art: Lara Murray Glen Johnston Character Animation: Esteban Lenquette 2D Effects: Joana Tibuleac Music & Sound Design: James Simcox Action Design: Robbie McFadzean
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