Layering Vellum simulations in Houdini to wrap a Ferrero Rocher (Step by step free tutoral)
In this free tutorial, you’ll learn how to:
- Create this beautiful wrapping of a Ferrero Rocher, step by step.
- Combine layers of simulation to create a complex-looking effect which is easy to art-direct.
- Twist a cloth,
- Use animated attributes to drive vellum simulations
Project files on:
00:00:00 Intro
00:00:19 Paper Setup
00:00:56 Layers
00:01:18 Selecting points
00:03:11 Crumpled Sheet
00:03:55 Configuring Solver
00:04:16 Animating Vellum Constraints during simulation
00:05:38 Refining
00:05:57 Planning to wrap
00:06:16 Prep Meshes for Sim
00:06:54 Animate Deformation
00:07:25 Test Simulation
00:07:45 Configuring the twist
00:08:47 Deforming
00:09:11 Possible New Simulation
00:09:30 Add Details in Shading
00:09:50 Outro