High-Performance Brammo Empulse R with Wes Siler & Eric Bostrom - Get the Inside Scoop!
Watch motorcycle Journalist Wes Siler and our very own Team Icon Brammo racer Eric Bostrom take the Production Empulse R for an eye opening spin in the hills above Ashland OR. Get on board the Empulse R... drop a knee... feel the twisties, and hear the road. Listen in as Eric and Wes discuss the subtle yet ground breaking differences between the Empulse R EV and it’s gas brethren.
Listen to the pros talk about the over 100mph and over 100 mile range Empulse R!
Check this link for more from Wes Siler on th
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High-Performance Brammo Empulse R with Wes Siler & Eric Bostrom - Get the Inside Scoop!