【講道館 YouTube公式チャンネル/ KODOKAN Official YouTube Channel】
技の相違点 / Description on differences between closely resembled Waza
朽木倒 & 踵返 / Kuchiki-taoshi & Kibisu-gaeshi
<朽木倒(くちきたおし) / Kuchiki-taoshi>
片手で相手の片脚を内側又は外側から取って引き上げ、後方へ押し落として投げる技 /
A technique to push down the opponent backward by holding one of his legs either from the inside or outside with one of the hands and pulling it up.
<踵返(きびすがえし) / Kibisu-gaeshi>
片手で相手の踵(かかと)を内側又は外側から刈って投げる技 /
A technique to throw the opponent by reaping his heel either from the inside or outside with one of the hands.
#講道館 #柔道 #技
#Kodokan #Judo #Waza