докажем миру что футбол дороже газа! из-за газа наши не хотят подавать жалобу,ирландцы уже подали жалобу и скорее всего будет переигровка,почему Россия не может отстоять свои права? вместо нас наши соперники сделали бы всё возможное.. раз наше руководство не хочет подавать мы должны взятся сами за это дело,я уверен что в фифе работают норм люди,не то что наш мутко... и ещё есть информация что их Нападающий(автор гола) Дедич принимао допинг,уже проверили и ответ для нас положительный,действуем все! ----------------------------------------------- ___________________________________ The community of free fans of football wishes to address you about the events which have occurred in the recent match between Slovenia and Russia. During the game the main referee made, in our opinion, arguable decisions. The reasons given by the referee for which Kerzhakov was removed are insufficient and have disputable motives. A blow was put by a player of Slovenia, who had decided that the Russian player injured the goalkeeper. The video review clearly shows that the Russian player directed his blow at the ball, instead of at the goalkeeper. The same replay also depicts the Slovenian player the player of Slovenia striking a blow straight at Kerzhakov. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that there was no proper reaction to the pocket knife which was thrown at Russian goalkeeper Igor Akinfeev by Slovenian fans. The knife was picked up by Akinfeev and handed over to the referee. According to FIFA regulations, such actions from fans of either team lead to the disqualification of their same team. Furthermore, the person tasked with bringing balls did not wish to return a ball to the player of the Russian national team which in turn provoked a conflict in a match already in its final minutes. As a result of the conflict, one of the organizers physically influenced goalkeeper , which led to a yellow card for and his leaving of the
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