CIA “Havana Syndrome” Proven As 100% Hoax! -With A Twist!

The mysterious, vaguely described yet widespread ailment suffered by any number of U.S. diplomats that were categorized as “Havana Syndrome” have turned out to be a whole lot of nothing. That’s according to a recent intelligence report following a thorough investigation. So will all the news reporters, pundits and public officials who screamed “Russia did it!” to justify a more aggressive posture against Putin and company because of his nefarious assault on the nation’s diplomatic corps recant? Don’t hold your breath! Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the comparative treatment received by the victims of East Palestine and the 9-11 first responders with the six-figure payouts extended to the sufferers of phony-baloney “Havana Syndrome.” Kurt Metzger on Twitter: Kurt’s website: Viva Frei on Twitter: Viva Frei on Rumble: ​​
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