From 7nm to 5nm, China lithography machine has made another breakthrough?

Although China has invested huge funds to develop the semiconductor industry, there is still a gap in talent pool and R&D strength. Besides, it involves complex issues such as supply chain and intellectual property rights. In this industrial chain, China currently mainly plays the role of low-end processing and assembly, and its core technology and high-end manufacturing are still subject to developed countries in the West. Therefore, to be honest, the dark forest is real, and those breakthroughs are more at the laboratory level, and they are still very far away from real breakthroughs. Today, I want to tell you some truths, for example, what is the real status of semiconductors in China? If Chinese lithography machines want to catch up with foreign countries, what is missing? Do the two technological breakthroughs mentioned at the beginning of the video really represent China’s 5nm breakthrough? OK, let’s get started.
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