Fauci Caught Lying AGAIN About Recommending Lockdowns

Despite his reputation as an effective, organized and competent bureaucrat, Anthony Fauci is a confirmed liar, having misled the public about masks, natural immunity, vaccines and activities underway at the Wuhan lab, to name just a few. Most recently Fauci has been lying about supporting lockdowns, falsely claiming that he never advocated for COVID lockdowns. But the tale of the videotape tells a very different story. Jimmy and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger detail Faucil’s lengthy record of prevarication and duplicity. Become a Premium Member: Go to a Live Show: Subscribe to Our Newsle...tter: The Jimmy Dore Show Website: Kurt Metzger on Twitter: Kurt’s website: LIVESTREAM & LIVE SHOW ANNOUNCEMENTS: Join the Email list:
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