DrobyshevskyKarateSystem:Unsu Combat Bunkai-10-First Elements-Modern Kuro Obi Fight

Bunkai Unsu in Action! First Elements of kata Unsu for Modern Kuro Obi Fight: Punch Defense, Gun Threats, Rifle Threat Defense and Rear Choke Defense. This is jubilee film on the channel Youtube “Karatesystem“. We have already released 250 films devoted to the real use of bunkai kata karate for combat and self-defense. But this is only a small part of a giant iceberg called Shotokan Karate Kata Bunkai. We are working to increase the combat potential of each new version of bunkai. In other words, everyone, even the most primitive movement kata, we use to defeat the opponent. Bunkai kata must meet the motto oldest karate “Ikken Hissatsu“ (一拳必殺) or “To annihilate at one blow“. Ideal bunkai: One move - one defeat the enemy! WARNING: Practice at your own risk! NONE of this is legal advice, you and you alone are reponsible for your own actions and the choices you make! Bunkai other elements of kata UNSU most conv
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