It is about time for the Big Gun, The Best Shotgun, well I wouldn’t say best but I would say it is really really good. I was so excited when I saw that DE remade this gun. Just yes, it is great!
Intro/Weapon Information - 0:00
Recommended Tenet Element - 0:33
Comparison To The Original Arca Plasmor - 0:46
Advantages Vs. Disadvantages - 1:02
Corpus Build - 1:21
Corrupted & Grineer Build - 1:56
Infested Build - 2:19
Galvanized Alterations - 2:42
Recommended Alternative Modifications - 3:03
Synergy with Tenet Arca Plasmor - 3:27
Arcane Synergy - 4:18
Riven Synergy - 5:00
Ending/Outro - 5:18
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