flat Sunflower, paper flower, paper sunflower, diy sunflower
How to assemble template 3 sunflower
you need template 3 sunflowers from my etsy
The largest petal is number 8
The smallest petal is number 1
To make an extra large flower you need petals 8,5
You need to cut 20 petals for petal #8
Cut 20 for petal 5
To make a large flower you need petals 7,4
You need to cut 20 petals for petal #7
Cut 20 for petal 4
To make a medium flower you need petals 6,3
You need to cut 20 petals for petal #6
Cut 20 for petal 3
To make a small flower you need petals 4, 2
You need to cut 20 petals for petal #4
Cut 20 for petal 2
To make an extra small flower you need petals 3, 1
You need to cut 20 petals for petal #3
Cut 20 for petal 1
65lb cardstock paper
springhill card stock
Hot glue and glue gun from AdTech