Frederick the Great: Gay King of Europe

Video Sponsored by Ridge Wallet. Check them out here: Use Code “EMPEROR” for 10% off your order! Oh yes, Frederick the Great was one of Europe’s most accomplished monarchs. He was also quite gay, and history covered it up for centuries. ➤ Support this channel with my Patreon!: Special thanks to 3 Arrows for reading those German words: Music used: “Brandenburg Concerto no.4“ by Johannes Sebastian Bach Sources used: Ashton, Bodie A. “Kingship, Sexuality and Courtly Masculinity: Frederick the Great and Prussia on the Cusp of Modernity.” ANU Historical Journal II, no. 1 (2019): 109–35. Asprey, Robert B. Frederick the Great: the Magnificent Enigma. New York, NY: Ticknor & Fields, 1986. Beachy, Robert. “The German Invention of Homosexuality.“ The Journal of Modern History 82, no. 4 (2010): 801-38. Coler, Oeconomia ruralis et domestica Hohberg, Georgica curiosa aucta Kugler, Franz Theodor (1845). History of
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