Bring Fall to After Effects | Seasonal Falling Leaf Particle Effect #tutorial

Bring Fall to After Effects | Falling Leaf Effect ► 20,000 Templates for AE & Premiere just for $25! ► Free 100 Template Pack for AE & Premiere here: #aftereffects #animation #motiongraphics Alright, the first thing you need is a leaf graphic. Search one up or download our project files. Then apply the CC particle world effect to a solid layer. Go to the particle tab and set the particle type to a textured quad polygon. Then set the texture to your leaf. Alrighty, the settings from here are completely subjective, but here’s what I have done. You can adjust the scale of your leaves with the birth and death size. And I always set max opacity to 100% Then I go to the physics and set the gravity down to .01. Lastly, you may want to go to the producer and set the position Y to be above your composition. The final settings you’ll want to adjust is the bi
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