“triste“ ALBUM PREMIERE. Lyric Video Español/English

Hi there, last year was hard, still is. During those challenging times of lockdown and depression I made an album just for me, like self-therapy. I sing on it and the lyrics are about my life, my memories of more than a decade on the road, living fast and intensely. Very intimate, that´s why I sing in my mother tongue Spanish. This became a new side-project, im very excited about it, feels fresh, honest and makes me feel good. I hope you find interesting this side of me as well. Thank you for listening and supporting, it means the world to me, Henry Haze Hola amigos, el año pasado fue duro, todavía lo es. Durante esos tiempos difíciles de encierro y depresión, hice un álbum solo para mí, como auto-terapia. Cantando yo mismo, hablando sobre mi vida en las letras, mis emociones más profundas, mis recuerdos de más de una década en la carretera, viviendo rápida e intensamente. Tan personal que lo he tenido que hacer en mi lengua materna
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