Celine Ranger

Celine Ranger lives and works in the Nantes region. After a childhood and adolescence that revealed her passion for drawing, sculpture and painting, Céline left for Paris to pursue higher studies in applied arts at the Ecole Boulle and then at the Ecole Estienne. She also studied for several months at the National College of Art and Design in Dublin. She then worked for nearly eight years as a graphic designer in the creative department of various communication agencies. Painting, as a faithful friend, will always be there to accompany her to the point that she will end up, in response to a visceral necessity, devoting herself totally to her art. At the end of 2006, she returns to the gallery and history gets carried away… Since then, she has been digging, digging, like an archaeologist, tirelessly questioning, through portraits, the infinite facets of the female soul. She reveals the ineffable, wandering on the thread of the intimate, plays on its ramifications, its depths, its paradoxes…. Her painting reveals a “mastered”, rich, finely combined, vaporous glazes and subtle interplay of materials…on wood. [from: ] Music: Robert Rich “The Sentience of Touch“
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