Japan Releases Radioactive Fukushima Terror on the World TODAY!

Today August 24, 2023 the Japanese Government starts a ten year release of radioactive waste waster from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear plant into the ocean. This is OK with their political allies America, Australia, Canada and Europe but the South Korean and Chinese are up in arms. Just think the persecution if this would have been China doing the same thing. Just think the destruction of fishing habitat this will create around the world and in every ocean on earth. Check out my other Channel: @CanadianUncensored This is a link to all of my channels on Link Tree. Help support this channel. Buy Gweilo a Beer: Buy Gweilo a Coffee: My Paypal account: Gweilo 60 Patreon Account: Bilibili: Ixigua: Weibo: The into to this video was designed and produced by The Peter in Chongqing China. You should head over to his channel and watch more of his amazing work. The link to his channel is: @PeterJSikoski/featured
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