Zelensky Meets with World Leaders at WEF in Davos to Talk ’Peace Plan’ ...Without Russia

The World Economic Forum is back in Davos this week, and it wouldn’t be complete without a meeting of world leaders to talk about peace in Ukraine. The main problem? Russia wasn’t included. The other glaring problem that is being ignored as Switzerland agrees to Zelensky’s request to host a summit to talk about his so-called “peace plan” is that the plan in question requires Russia’s complete surrender and the return of Ukraine’s borders to the days before Kiev became a puppet of the West in a coup. In other words, Zelensky is just planning his next lethal aid fundraiser in the name of “peace” in Ukraine. SOURCE LINKS: Support my work: Buy me a coffee: Subscribe on Substack: Follow on Twitter: Subscribe on Telegram: Subscribe on Minds: Subscribe on Rumble: Subscribe on Rokfin: Subscribe on Odysee: @RachelBlevins:5 Follow on Instagram: Follow on Facebook: Thank you for your support!
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