Vuforia Engine: How to Create Image Targets

In this Vuforia Engine augmented reality tutorial you’ll learn how to create Image Targets using both the method through the developer portal and directly into Unity using Instant Image Targets. This easy-to-use and popular target type makes it simple to create powerful AR experiences for books, posters, and any other flat image. Before getting started with this tutorial please create a free Vuforia Engine developer account. Get access to a free developer key under the Develop tab on the Vuforia Engine portal when logged in: Here is what you’ll learn in this how-to video: • What a Vuforia Engine Image Target is • What you’ll need to create an Image Target • Best practices for Image Targets • How to create an Image Target through the developer portal • How to create an Instant Image Target directly into Unity If you’d like to read through our detailed guide on creating Image Targets, please visit our Vuforia Engine library
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