Thanatophonia 100% (under 5 hours challenge)

i beat it i think attempts (with old ones): 2069 attempts (without old ones): 591 enjoyment: Current difficulty: Insane demon My opinion on the difficulty: I honestly don’t know because it may be actually extreme demon for all I care, I don’t mind it staying as an insane demon tho. However the level did feel more like an extreme demon even if I beat it literally in like 4 hours with breaks. eath anxiety is anxiety caused by thoughts of one’s own death, and is also referred to as thanatophobia (fear of death).[1] Individuals affected by this kind of anxiety experience challenges and adversities in many aspects of their lives.[2] Death anxiety is different from necrophobia, which refers to an irrational or disproportionate fear of dead bodies or of anything associated with death.[3] Death anxiety has been found to affect people of differing demographic groups as well, such as men versus women, young versus old, etc.[4]
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